The Beauty of the Unknown

I\’m just trying to figure it all out.

engage. December 10, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — mich220 @ 6:44 pm

So, I’ve decided to re-engage in the blogging world. I’m  not sure what I will write about, but I’ve decided to keep it updated again. My goal- Once a week. Here goes nothing.


my celebrity look alikes… May 8, 2007

Filed under: Picture Posts — mich220 @ 6:15 pm

not too shabby eh?


beauty. May 6, 2007

Filed under: Adventure,Life,Picture Posts — mich220 @ 9:16 am

well i got it yesterday. it wasn’t as bad as i thought. it was totally bearable. and it looks beautiful. thanks to mikie who did it, she pretty much is the deal and laurynn for going with me. i love it. i’m not going to lie, i’m a little sore today, but overall it was a great time. i’ll be getting another one, i’m sure.

check out photos here.


peace May 4, 2007

Filed under: Adventure,Life — mich220 @ 5:09 pm

so i’m getting a new tattoo tomorrow. I have the appointment all set up and i’m really excited. i’m going to get a tribal peace dove with the word peace written under it in a really pretty script. and i’m getting it on my ribs. it’s going to be amazing… it’s going to hurt so much, but it will be fun anyway.


let the countdown begin… May 2, 2007

Filed under: Life — mich220 @ 10:41 am

I’m goin’ to Jackson.. well actually Madison


my super sweet christian dream:

Filed under: Deep Ponderings,Soap Box — mich220 @ 10:33 am

i’m working on an essay of sorts based on the mtv reality show my super sweet 16 and the christian life.

stay tuned…


the tragedy of the not so great, great clips.

Filed under: Adventure,Life,Picture Posts,Soap Box — mich220 @ 10:27 am

i did it. it was quite the trama, but I’ve learned from it. so let me set the scene:

i work up my nerve, i mean, really work up my nerve. i haven’t gotten a real haircut, by a professional in like 5 years. i either have cut it myself, or had other friends cut it. so it was a kind of big deal to go to a place and let some perfect stranger cut my hair. so after church on sunday, i go to great clips down the road. i put my name on the list, grab a people magazine and wait until its my turn. my name gets called, i sit in the chair, and begin to explain and show pictures of what i want done. i quickly realize something is amiss. my hairdresser, doesn’t speak english, at least not very well, so there is a huuuuuggggggggggeeeeeeee communication gap. i’m doing my best to explain what i want, she doesn’t understand, another hairdresser comes over to translate. all the while i’m thinking in my head, can i have that one over there cut my hair. but i didn’t want to be one of “those people.” you know, the rude one who asks for someone else. so i just say, calm down, it will be okay. well, it was not okay. she cut them way too short. i left. only paid for half. went home. grabbed my scissors and fixed my own hair.

so this is what i’ve learned. from now on, i will just cut my own hair or have my aunt buddy cut it. no one else. i’m done. so here are some pictures of the fixed hair.



the big bang… April 28, 2007

Filed under: Adventure,Life — mich220 @ 3:07 pm

well i’m moving in a week and a half. a weeeeeeeeek and a half, this seems unbelieveable to me. i have so many different emotions and feelings running through my head and heart right now.

dreadful (the driving).
but overall excited for the change.

so i am thinking of marking the transition with something drastic, something dramatic. i’m thinking of cutting my hair. i mean really cutting my hair. for those of you who know me, you know i haven’t had a proper haircut in years. i just cut it myself, or get someone else to do it for free. but, i’m thinking of doing something crazy and so i need a professional. i’m thinking of getting bangs. like this, or this, or this. i must do it before i lose my nerve, but i want to be done with work, so i’m thinking of making an appointment for next saturday afternoon. maybe, i can get kim to go with me and hold my hand. i’m nervous. but i think i’ll like it. if not, it’s only hair, it will grow out.


an easter to remember…. April 11, 2007

Filed under: Adventure,Life,Picture Posts — mich220 @ 8:42 am

so this Easter is an Easter I will NEVER forget!!! So many different things made this Easter one that will go down in the books as unforgettable. First of all, my Easter was SNOWY!!!! Really snowy. Hard to believe but true, which was lovely but at the same time kept me from my running and other activities. It didn’t stick but it was the fluffiest most beautiful snow ever, you could see the flakes falling, and individual flakes on my jacket. The snow was beautiful but it caused a few kinks, especially with the baptism, seeing as how it was OUTSIDE. I mean at least it was a hottub, but nevertheless, it was snowing and people were getting baptized out in snow. SO that was interesting.

Then the lunch run. We stuck around to help tear down since we weren’t at our normal location for church, and we were in charge of the burrito run, we only had one problem, Chipotle wasn’t open, so we had to drive around looking for something to eat. It was either McDonald’s or Subway. Of course we chose Subway, by the way it was my favorite “sub of the day.” 8 Footlongs later and an Albertson’s run for drinks and chips, we finally arrive at church and eat. Then we finally head home, and it had stopped snowing.

Once home, I had my Easter painting lesson from Kim. My first oil painting ever. I had a lot of fun doing it. It was of course frustrating at times, but overall it was fun. I painted from this photo my friend Lanna took. So, this is my first oil painting. YAY!!!My first oil painting.

Then on to Easter dinner, where Kim and Eric went all out. London Broil Brisket, real mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, homemade yeast rolls, and a lamb cake. It was quite delicious, and we ate it while watching Hot Shots, which is just amazingly hilarious. So, wow, what a day. And to top it all off, I got half price easter candy yesterday, my favorites: Reese’s Eggs, and 2, yes, I said 2, dove dark chocolate solid bunnies. mmmmmmmmm… yummy!!!


running… April 2, 2007

Filed under: Adventure,Life — mich220 @ 5:47 pm

okay so as the aforementioned post explains, i am competing in a sprint triathlon at the end of june. swim, bike, run. that’s it, but one thing. i hate running. well…i’ve always hated running for several reasons:

1. shin splints (going back to soccer days)
2. blisters (i always get them)
3. it’s boring
4. the increase of ingrown toenails (going back to my dancing days)
5. it’s boring
6. i’m not fast and it goes really slowly
7. did i mention it’s boring…

but i have to train and so i have been running lately. for instance, yesterday i went running for 1 hour 7 minutes and 30 seconds…i am pretty darn impressed with myself, for my sheer detemination to run the whole way without stopping even though i was tired. and i did it, and you know what? my shins don’t hurt, i wasn’t completely bored, and my blisters aren’t too bad. my goal is to next time run the same course in less time, maybe an hour, but crossing the street definitely interferes with the timing. oh well….we’ll see. so far so good. i’m ahead of schedule for training on the running portion, later this week i will kick in some bike time, and then swimming after that.